Tuesday, 2 July 2013

you don't have to be beyond to do whatever the fuck you want

I've been listening to Grown Woman by Beyonce (which is a tune so go and listen to it.)
& I fucking love it. 

It makes me want to strut my stuff around London and be a boss.

We all need to find our inner Beyonce and stop being little bitches crying about dumb things that are irrelevant. 

Don't sit around being shitty go and fix it. 

I want

We say this all the time but what do we actually need?

Here's a list of things I want that I don't need...

- to sleep until 12 on weekdays. 
- a personal breakfast chef or a personal chef in general 
-  my dad back
- sun so I can justify spending money on summer clothes 
- to lose 89 stone. 
- to live and work in London
- to meet more people who are real as fuck and not pretending to be some dickhead they're not. 

Your fine as you are. Ill probably prefer you without this bullshit act you put on.

- to meet Jessie ware cus she is boomting
- to be able to bleach my hair without my hair dying 
- the girl opposite me's shoes. 
- Megan fox's bod but I love chips n dips and laying in bed in my pants too much to do anything about that
- for yolo to be a decent excuse to have done something ridiculous and then everyone would be like "yes that's a good reason to have done that, I support you with your decision"

- free food.
- free coffee
- free money

A lot of things I can't have. 

Things I Need

a nice place to sleep
(my iphone)

gettin off on likes

It's been proven that the sound of your phone going off makes you happy.

I can relate to this it's quite sad, but I think people's happiness is fuelled by irrelevant things nowadays, such as Facebook likes, how many followers you have, how many people favourited your tweet about your new hair. 

Facebook likes or likes on any social networking platform are becoming a currency.

The number of people clicked like on your photo of you with a fuck load of make up on that took you 19 attempts to get the right angle doesn't make you any better of a person. 

People get upset that they didn't get enough likes and I've even heard of friends falling out because they didn't like a photo they posted.


Surely friendship isn't based on whether they click a like button. 
It doesn't mean they give a shit.  

If Social media popularity is really important to you you need to reevaluate yourself and your life.
If that's what's important to you then I feel very sorry for you.

You should be focusing on how people perceive you in real life instead of online with all the filters that you can add to make your life look cooler than it actually is. 

People do things that they wouldn't do in real life online...e.g Facebook famous kids eating soap or doing the condom challenge . 

I watched one video of a kid doing the condom challenge and he said you can die from it.

Why would you do something that could potentially kill you just for popularity.

Are you dumb?

Yeah ok share fun stuff on Facebook but don't go begging for likes doing ridiculous things for attention. 

I think it's easy to get caught up in the stressful popularity contest fuelled world of Facebook, Instagram and twitter, were all guilty of it. 

But I feel quite sorry for 12-16 year olds having to grow up with all this pressure. Fuck that go back to making tree houses instead of statuses.