Monday, 29 April 2013

why growing up sucks.

so I'm no longer a teenager, this means lots of things.

I can no longer threaten my mum that I'm going to call childline anymore.
shit starts getting real, I have to start being mature and responsible. that means thinking about my future. eurgh.

I'm currently considering dropping out of uni.

reasons why I'm considering dropping out of uni:

- my course is absolute cats piss
- my tutor is a chief bell end of the bell end crew 2k13.
- being poor is shit.
- Birmingham is a smelly place

I'm in two mind sets.

chilling out and having fun but wasting a year of my life and living away from home VS. working towards a career and having money to have fun with but moving home.

moving home with anus woman is going to be tough but not as tough as walking past shops and wanting delicious clothes.

being young is actually really tough, so much pressure is on your shoulders to perform well and get qualifications but I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT I WANT TO DO.

how the fuck am I gonna know what to do with my life at the age of 20.

shit this is stressful.

but I'm gonna just do whatever makes me happy. I recon I could work in McDonald's and be happy. just as long as I have the rest of my shit together and I'm not shooting up heroin on my lunch breaks and not sleeping in the staff toilets cus I haven't got a house.

bit extreme. but shit can get crazy.

I should really make the most of being able to lay in bed in my pants all day and sleeping till 4 in the afternoon whilst I can.

tough decisions.


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